music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper
While it may seem that your teenager is from a different world, it will pass - eventually. In the meantime, the best that you can hope for is that you survive this metamorphosis into adulthood. When your teen comes to you and says they want to redecorate your room, you might as well prepare yourself. It is pretty much guaranteed that you'll be bugged about it until it happens. Here are some ideas to make this massive redecorating project a success.
Allowing Freedom of Expression - Within Limits, Of Course
If you are lucky, your teenager will want a room that is somewhat normal. However, as we all know, teenagers are normally not normal! If the room isn't shared with another sibling, there isn't much harm in letting your teen decorate as they want to - within some limits. For example, destroying a closet or a wall isn't acceptable, but perhaps painting a wall black is. In terms of colors, if it makes them happy, so be it. Just relish the moment that they aren't decorating the rest of the house, too!
Some teens have great decorating ideas. Perhaps you have a few of your own, but in most cases, your teen probably won't want to hear them. Now, not all teens are quite so hardheaded, but by the time they hit fifteen or sixteen, they know what they like. You may be surprised at what a wonderfully decorated room they end up with!
If they do come to you for ideas, consider what your child excels at. It could be sports, arts, fashion, or theater. A room decorated in musical notes, posters, and pieces of framed sheet music is a great idea for a music buff. On some of the decorating sites, you'll find wallpaper borders with music notes, a modern rug with a musical motif, or a lamp with a treble clef design for the base. Old vinyl records can be cut to make unique light switch covers or placed under a glass overlay on a desk.
While music is certainly one of the most popular interests of teenagers, sports comes in at the top, as well. For the baseball lover, consider helping him find posters of his favorite player or team. Autographs should be displayed behind glass and you can use baseballs in a number of different ways. They are great for a pull on a ceiling fan, as a doorknob, or cut in half and secured on a wall in a pattern. There are number of great rugs for sale online for any of the major league teams.

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper
music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper
music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper
music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper

music notes wallpaper
music notes wallpaper